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Files processing

In tis menu you can view all files that have been processed, pending failed. All this information can be viewed and filtered according to the need presented.

Open the NDD Print 360 Server interface > in the three select Files processing

Available filters:

File type

Print jobs: Files that contain information about prints, copies, faxes and scans, collected and sent by complementary solutions;

Import files: Files that contain information on imports and synchronizations performed and sent by NDD Print Host.


Files: Allows you to filter files by status, as follows:

Pending: The file is waiting for processing;

Processing: The file is being processed;

Pending/Processing: Both situations mentioned above.

Files with error: It allows you to filter only files that have failed during processing: as follow:

Failed: The file had a general failure;

Without licensing: The file was not processed due to lack of company license;

Unknown company: The file was not processed because the company in it was not recognized;

Trabalhos de impressão descartados pela confiança: The file was partially or completely discarded according to the trust configuration in PORTAL360 NDD Print Portal 360.

Arquivos processados (backup): It allows you to filter only files that have already been successfully processed.


No date filter;


This filter may take a while to load information

Received date: It refers to the date the file was received on the NDD Print 360 Server;

Generation date: It refers to the date the file was generated by the complementary solutions to the NDD Print 360 Server.

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