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Activate NDD Print Client Canon Logs

The NDD Client Canon logs are used to analyze the functioning of the component.

The logs must be activated remotely using the ECT (Embedded Configuration Tool).

If you haven't already installed it, proceed with the ECT installation.

Step 1: Prepare the device

  1. On the device panel, type 159 357 258 and click on the button image-20240319-144447.png

  2. On the screen that opens, click on Mode List > Copier > Options > DSPLY-SW

  3. Click on RMT-CNSL and change the value to 1 and click OK


To return to the start screen, click on the Reset button.

Step 2: Activate Logging

  1. Open ECT

  2. Select the manufacturer Canon

  3. Under NDD Print Client, activate the Full Logging option

  4. Click on Send to Printers

Step 3: Receive the logs

  1. Download the tool Log

  2. Extract the contents and open the console.bat file in Notepad

  3. Enter the IP address of the device

Log example


  • Logs will be deactivated if the device is restarted

  • All NDD Print Client logs are marked with the information [NDD PRINT AUTHENTICATION VX.XX].


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