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Digital Shift

LesF2x 4-line, LesF2x and LesF3x devices do not support this feature.

The Digital Shift feature aims to facilitate the organization and input of documents and set permissions for user and user groups that can access these streams. Users can create forms on screen and use the data directly to the printer, arranging the scanned file, customizing the file name, and choosing the folder to save it.

demonstration of Digital Shift feature

To optimize the use of the OCR functionality, we recommend that the AccuRead application be installed on the device.

  • For printers with LesF4x framework, the app AccuRead is not build-in with the firmware, so need to contact the dealer or sales account to get the flash file together with the license and install to the device;

  • AccuRead app is build in LesF5x or higher frameworks, so only OCR license is needed, but some model, by default, OCR license is included during purchasing the device.

The properties of the Scan Flows are configured in the NDD Print Host and NDD Print Portal 360 modules. For more details, consult your manual.

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