Configure application via ECT
Import printers
Before importing, create a file (.CSV format) containing information about the printers that will be configured.
Printers should be listed as shown below.
Click Import file
Select the .CSV file containing the list of printers
Add only one printer
Import the settings into a single printer. report the following data:
Address: inform its address (IP address or Hostname).
Enabled Modules
Enable the NDD Print Client option and fill in the required fields before sending these settings to the desired printer(s).
NDD Print Client
General settings

Secure Release: visualization and release of the documents retained in the NDD Print Releaser;
Quotas on Copies: allows limiting access to the printer’s copy features;
Environmental Impact: activates the visualization of environmental impact statistics;
Application Color: select the predominant color of the application;
Application Logo: set an image to be shown as the application's icon on the device's panel.
Local Server

NDD Print Host: inform the address (IP or hostname) of the server where the NDD Print Host module is installed;
NDD Print Releaser: inform the address (IP or hostname) of the server where the NDD Print Releaser module is installed;

NDD Print Settings Password: password to access the settings of the NDD Print Client module via the equipment interface (default 1111).
For more security, we recommend changing this password.