NDD Print Portal 360
User prerequisites:
Master Administrator Permission or
Process prerequisites:
To enable the Digital Shift feature menu, request it to NDD
1. Configure FTP
To enter data from the FTP server > view Settings > menu Digital Shift > action Edit
Enabled: check this option to enable;
Address: enter the FTP server address;
Port: inform the port through which the communication will be made;
Encryption type: select the encryption type used;
Use anonymous user: check this option in cases where the FTP server does not require authentication;
Domain: enter the user domain used to authenticate with the FTP server;
User: enter the user for authentication on the FTP server;
Password: enter the user password used to authenticate with the FTP server.
The data that will be informed here must be in accordance with the FTP server settings.
2. Configure Sharepoint Online (365)
Before you start
You must register an application on Azure
Add the following permissions for API access:
API permissions > Add permission > Microsoft Graph > Delegated permissions > Sites > sites.readall permission
API permissions > Add permission > Sharepoint > Delegated permissions > Sites > sites.readall permission
To learn more, visit Microsoft documentation
To register data from SharePoint Online (365) > view Settings > menu Digital Shift > option SharePoint Online (365) > action Edit
Enabled: check this option to enable;
Address: enter the sharepoint address that will be used;
Application (client) ID: Inform the ID generated when registering the application in Azure;
Directory (tenant) ID: inform the company ID in Azure;
You can use the Connection test option to verify that the configuration works
To perform the Connection Test, the certificate must be saved in Azure.
Generate Certificate
In order for the NDD Print Portal 360 to connect to the SharePoint Online (365) application, it is necessary to generate the certificate.
For this, follow these steps:
Click the Generate Certificate button
Select the directory to save the file
Upload the certificate to Azure