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Settings to be made after installing the solution NDD Print Client/ NDD Print Client Collector Samsung.


Para carregar/salvar as configurações, clique em Import/Export.


It allows you to send settings to multiple printers.

1 - Create a file (.csv format) listing the addresses of printer's (IP or Hostname) that will be configured;



2 - After creating the file, import it by clicking Import File.

Single Printer

Import the settings into a single printer.

  • Address: inform its address (IP address or Hostname).

Enabled Modules

Select the solutions to configure (NDD Print Client and/or NDD Print Client Collector).

NDD Print Client

Administrative Credentials

  • Username: enter the printer administrator user;

  • Password: enter the password of the printer administrator user.


To configure printers of different technologies (XOA or Android XOA) two configuration processes are necessary, one for each corresponding technology.

  • Enable "E-mail for Me": it enables automatic completion of sender and recipient fields with the authenticated user's e-mail address;

  • Connection Expiration Time: set the maximum response time that the embedded waits for the server.


We recommend 30 seconds as minimum time.

Local Server

  • NDD Print Host: enter the address (IP or hostname) of the server where the NDD Print Host solution is installed;

  • NDD Print Releaser: enter the address (IP or hostname) of the server where the NDD Print Releaser solution is installed;

  • Communication Protocol: DCS (Port 5656) or HTTP (Ports 56562 and 56563).

NDD Print Client Collector

NDD Print Client Collector

  • Server Type: select the primary server type (Host or Datacenter);

  • Enable Log: it enables application logs for debugging purposes;

  • Network authentication: enable this option so that the domain and user are captured effectively;

  • Secondary Server: it enables the sending of data collected by the NDD Print Client Collector solution to a secondary server;

  • SNMP Community: it is already configured as public (default);

  • Default Domain: enter the default domain assigned to the jobs that its domain was not identified;

  • Force Domain: force the default domain for all jobs captured by printer;

  • Sending Time: enter the time interval value (in hours), where the data captured by the NDD Print Client Collector solution will be sent to the server (Host or Datacenter).

External Server

  • Address: informe o endereço (IP ou Hostname) do servidor Host. Em caso de envio para Data Center, informe o endereço do servidor de Data Center);


Addresses of NDD Data Centers:

  • Enterprise Key: enter the key provided by ndd sales department (send to Datacenter only).


The Address field (Host or Datacenter) configuration as well as Enterprise key must be done according to what was enabled in the Server Type.

Secondary External Server


This field is visible if the Secondary Server option is enabled. In these configurations, sending will be to Datacenter only.

  • Address: enter the address of the Datacenter


Addresses of NDD Data Centers:

  • Enterprise Key: enter the key provided by ndd sales department.


If any failure occurs when importing the settings, click Save not configured, so all addresses (IP or Hostname) of these printers will be saved in another .csv file, thus preventing this process from being redone in printers where the import was successful.

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