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Add via Unicast

To perform automatic printer addition by Unicast, the system sends an individual request to each device in the configured net range, and add the printers that answer to this request.

This search is slower than via Broadcast, however, allows the configuration of more accurate IP ranges, which contributes to a greater guarantee in the location of the printers.

To add a printer via Unicast > tab Printers > group Search > action Settings > tab Network Search > Enable the option Individual Search > Set

The Unicast configuration allows you to delimit the network address ranges, thus, enter the necessary data:

Add: Allows you to add the IP range at which the printer search should be performed;

  • Initial IP;

  • Final IP;

  • NetMask.



Depending on the infrastructure and configuration of the routers/switches some printers may not be found.


To add printers by Unicast is only available when the setting "Use PING test to perform monitoring" is enabled in the NDD Print Host advanced settings

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