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Assign a printer

Process prerequisite

Open the Contracts Manager

The contract companies should be registered in the Contracts Manager

To assign a printer to a company from Contracts Manager, it will no longer send counters, supplies and events data to the company registered in the NDD Print Host, and starts sending these data to the company assigned in the Contracts Manager.

To assign a printer to a company > tab Printers

Perform the assignment of printers:

Printer Grid: It is possible to select one or several printers by using Ctrl or Shift buttons;

Select all the printers;



If you select the option to Send copy of data monitoring for the default company in the tab Servers, the company registered directly in the NDD Print Host will not be selectable in the Contracts Manager.

Assign printers to the server;

Remove printer's assign.


Each printer can only be assigned to one company.


Restart all the NDD Print Host services so the changes can take effect.

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