Configuring USB Printer Monitoring
This configuration allows you to define the behavior of the NDD Print Agents installed in the environment, regarding the collection and monitoring of USB printer counters.
To configure the USB printer monitoring > tab Printers > group Monitor > action Monitor Data > tab USB Monitoring
Enter the data:
Enable USB counter: It enables the collection of counters and supplies from USB printers, through the NDD Print Agent;
Monitor all, but block these models: Models registered in the equipment list will not be monitored. It corresponds to the "DisabledModelList" configuration of the NDD Print Agent;
Block all, but monitor these models: Only models registered in the equipment list will be monitored. It corresponds to the "EnabledModelList" configuration of the NDD Print Agent;
__ Minute(s): The time interval used by the NDD Print Agent while collecting and sending data from USB printers counters and supplies.
This setting will not be available on NDD Print Host when:
The NDD Print Host administration is being performed in the cloud, in this case, the configuration must be done directly in NDD Print MPS;
The NDD Print MPS version is lower than 5.37;
In environments where NDD Print 360 Server is installed locally.
In case 2, this configuration should be done on NDD Print Portal 360.
In case 3, in environments with NDD Print Server Hybrid, the configuration will be performed in the MPS.