Credits by group of users From file
Process prerequisite
The file extension should be ".csv" or ".txt"
The fields listed in the file should be separated by ";"
The import file must be generated with the Encoding used by NDD Print (ISO 8859-1)
The print quota functionality must be enabled on the Portal 360
The imported quota type must be the same as configured in Portal 360
In the quota credit import it is possible to map the fields: Domain*, Logon*, Credit value* and Assignment, being that the fields with "*" are mandatory.
By adding credits to groups, every member of the group in the Portal 360 will receive the same value as the added to his group.
The mapping of the Credit value chances depending on the Credit type selected to import.
To import credits to groups of users > tab Users > group Importing User > action Credits > Next
Enter the data as requested by the wizard:
Step 1
File selection: This file must contain the users and credits information and respect the prerequisites.
Step 2
Assign Objects: In this step, must be selected the assignment of the credits for Users groups;
Step 3
Quota unit: Choose which type of Credit will be assigned for the users;
Pages: Each printed page discounts 1 Credit;
Pages by color: Each printed page discounts 1 Credit, differentiating between monochrome and color pages;
Value: In the Portal 360 is assigned a cost for mono, color, simplex and duplex pages, as well as by its paper size. This value is calculated and discounted on each print job.
The imported credit type must be the same as configured in NDD Print Portal 360.
Step 4
Credit recurrence: In this step it is possible to activate the recurrence of credits, where the Credit sent to the Portal 360 is created as a rule, where it is automatically renewed on every configured period;
Using the recurrence;
Recurrence: Defines the period in which the recurrence will be held;
Credit update interval: Set the recurrence in days, weeks or months, being necessary to enter a numeric value;
Day when the recurrence will happen: Set the date in which the recurrence will happen;
Use the unlimited recurrences: Set to renew the rule every period, without limit of times;
Number of times that the recurrence will occur: Set how many times the recurrence will be repeated in the Portal 360. At the end of the recurrence, the rule will be deleted;
Expiration: Set which action will be held by the Portal 360 if the user has credits in the end of the current period;
Keep credits: On every new period, if there are remaining credits from the last period, its value will be added to the new Credit;
Credits expiration: On every new period, if there are remaining credits from the last period, its value will be removed and only the new Credit will be credited;
💡 EXAMPLE Credit update interval: 2 Weeks When the recurrence will take effect: Tuesday Use unlimited recurrence: no Number of times the recurrence will take effect: 3 In this case, the credits will be renewed every two weeks, being that it will happen every Tuesday, for 3 times. |
💡 EXAMPLE When the recurrence will take effect: 08/07/2017 Use unlimited recurrence: no Number of times the recurrence will take effect: 8 In this example, the credits will be renewed every 14 days, being that the first insertion will happen on 08/07/2017 and it will be repeated for the next 8 days. |
💡 EXAMPLE Credit update interval: 3 Months When the recurrence will take effect: 6 Use unlimited recurrence: yes Number of times the recurrence will take effect: In this example, the credits will be renewed every 3 months, being that it will take effect on the 6th day of the month, without expiring. |
Step 5
Mapping of fields: In this step the fields must be mapped, so that the contents of the column correspond to the field informed;
Group domain: Required field;
Group: Required field;
Pages: Field to be mapped if the quota is configured by Pages;
Mono Pages: Field to be mapped if the quota is configured by Color;
Color Pages: Field to be mapped if the quota is configured by Color;
Currency: Field to be mapped if the quota is configured by Value;
Assign type: Set if the quota will be Private or Corporate. When not informed, it will assume the default value, Corporate;
Expirable: Field that sets if the quota will be expirable;
Expiration Date: Field that sets the date when the quota will expire;
Unlimited Quota: Field that marks the user will unlimited quota, being that he will not have his quotas controlled.
The expiration of the quotas its not configurable if using quota recurrence.
Step 6
Scheduling ending configuration: In this step it is possible to set if the importation will be performed only once or periodically;
Only now;
Run now and configure schedule;
Only perform scheduling;
Daily: Inform when the file should be imported;
Weekly: Inform the day of the week and time that the file should be imported;
Monthly: Inform the day of the month and the time the file should be imported.
The file will be generated in the pre-set times, however, it will only be sent in the next time update of the NDD Print Host.
For the proper operation of the scheduling, it is necessary that the ".csv" or ".txt" file is updated, formatted in the same way as when it was mapped and available in the path: