Running the wizard of ERP Cypress
Process prerequisites
Enable ERP Cypress integration
For ERP Cypress integration it is required to run a wizard to configure the server and print queues to process the files;
To run the ERP Cypress integration wizard > tab Integration > group Import Jobs > action Import ERP > Next
Enter the data as requested by the wizard:
Step 1
File selection:
Select ERP Type: Choose the option SAP;
File for Integration: Allows to enter the path that contains the file to be imported.
Step 2
ERP Server data: Enter the network data of the ERP server;
Name: Required field;
IP: Required field;
Mask: Required field.
Step 3
ERP Server: In this step it is possible to edit the data of the server that was registered and map the information of the print queues from the file;
Edit server data:
Name: Required field;
IP: Required field;
Mask: Required field.
File Printers: Displays the list of printers identified in the ERP file
Printer Data: Local where should be inserted the data of each print queue identified within the ERP file;
Printer Name;
Driver: Required field;
Printer Type: Local or Network;
Address: Field required if it is a network printer.
Update data: Update the data of the printer.
Editing printer data is done individually, this way, after each change, click on "Update data" to save the new information.