Physical identifiers From file
Process prerequisite
The file extension should be ".csv" or ".txt"
The fields listed in the file should be separated by ";"
The import file must be generated with the Encoding used by NDD Print (ISO 8859-1)
In the import of physical identifiers it is possible to map the fields: Domain*, Logon*, card ID*, E-mail and Full name. Being that the fields with "*" are mandatory.
To import physical identifiers from file > tab Users > group Importing User > action Physical Identifiers > Next > Import physical identifiers through a physical file
Enter the data as requested by the wizard:
Step 1
File selection: This file must contain the information of the groups and users who will be part of these groups, and must respect the prerequisites informed;
Step 2
Field mapping: In this step the fields must be mapped, so that the contents of the column correspond to the field informed;
Logon: Required field;
Card ID: Required field;
Card codes must contain only alphanumeric characters, otherwise the import will be canceled.
Domain: Required field;
Full name.
Step 3
Cards Synchronization: In this step must be selected the type of expiration of the cards;
Permanent: The card can be used for indefinitely;
Expirable: The card will expire after the period of time set during the import and will no longer be used to authenticate.
The feature to expire the cards is not available in the Portal 360, so performing this setting will not affect the cards.
Step 4
Update: Select how the card will be inserted in the Portal 360;
Increment: This option inserts new users and adds identifiers to existing ones, but it does not remove data from users that are not in the file.
Sync: This option inserts new users, overrides identifier from existing ones and remove the credentials from users that are not in the file.
To use the option Increment, the option "Multiple identifiers" must be enabled in the Portal 360.
Step 5
Scheduling: In this step it is possible to set if the importation will be performed only once or periodically;
Only now;
Run now and configure schedule;
Only perform scheduling;
Daily: Inform when the file should be imported;
Weekly: Inform the day of the week and time that the file should be imported;
Monthly: Inform the day of the month and the time the file should be imported.
The file will be generated in the pre-set times, however, it will only be sent in the next time update of the NDD Print Host.
For the proper operation of the scheduling, it is necessary that the ".csv" or ".txt" file is updated, formatted in the same way as when it was mapped and available in the path: