List of available settings
The list presented below should be used whenever there is the need to add advanced configuration of the NDD Print Host.
The values with the “*”, need the services of NDD Print Host be manually restarted, so the settings can take effect.
Path where these settings are saved: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\NDDigital\nddPrint\Host | |||
Value | Possible values | Default | Description |
*CacheLog | 0;1 | 0 | It enables CacheSync Service log. |
*CopyNPLFiles | True;False | False | If traces are enabled as "Debug" in the NDD Print Tracer module, when you enable this setting in NDD Print Host, a copy of the NPLs will be saved before and after consolidation. |
*DebitsLog | True;False | False | It enables log that displays the print jobs debts. |
*Debug | True;False | False | It Enable Host Service log and PrintersMonitor Service. |
EnabledAlfaPin | True;False | False | When enabled (True), it allows you to perform authentication using alphanumeric PIN code. |
EnableSendFiles | True;False | True | It enables/disables sending files to NDD Print Server. |
*FixedSyncTime | True;False | False | It limits synchronizing caches so that only occurs between 23h and 1h. |
*HostOffline | True;False | False | When enabled (True), in environments where the NDD Print Host never communicated to the Data Center, makes the Agent works only with the basic settings. |
*ParcialSendDebits | True;False | False | When enabled (True), the quotas sync is made for each user separately, instead of sending the data of all users once only. |
*ReleaserValidation | True;False | False | It enables the verification log of the NDD Print Releaser licenses. |
*UseNameAlternativeOid | True;False | False | This setting should be used in environments with Ricoh printers, to search the printer name through the DeviceName field. |
*VerifyDuplicatedCounters | True;False | False | If traces are enabled as "Debug" in the NDD Print Tracer module, when you enable this setting in NDD Print Host, all NSLs that have duplicate counters are saved in the work folder\StatusLog |
*WsTimeout | Time in milliseconds | It allows you to set waiting time limit for response of synchronizations caches. The maximum allowed value is 18000000 milliseconds, equivalent to five hours. | |
*Disable360NewSync | True;False | False | When enabled (True), synchronization of users, groups, accounts, policies and credentials, with Portal 360, will be performed using the old sync mode (WSControl). When disabled (False) or nonexistent, it will use the new sync mode (SyncHost) with Portal 360. |
UseAuthenticationContingency | True;False | False | It allows the use of authentication contingency on manufacturers' embedded devices: