Import printers From file
Process prerequisite
The file extension should be ".csv" or ".txt"
The fields listed in the file should be separated by ";"
The import file must be generated with the Encoding used by NDD Print (ISO 8859-1)
In the printer import it is possible to map the fields: IP Address*, printer name, SNMP read community, SNMP write community, user's web login and password. Being that the fields with "*" are mandatory.
To import printers from file > tab Printers > group Imports > action Printers > Next
Enter the data as requested by the wizard:
Step 1
File selection: This file must contain the printer's information and respect the prerequisites.
Step 2
Field mapping: In this step the fields must be mapped, so that the contents of the column correspond to the field informed;
IP Address: Required field;
Printer name;
SNMP Reading Community;
SNMP Writing Community;
User's Web Login;
User's Web Password.
The character ";" can not be part of the Password, being that this character is used as a column delimiter. That is, the importation will be aborted if it find a password with this character.
If the SNMP community fields are not mapped, it will request the SNMP community later.
If the fields Web login and password are not mapped, it will request the HTTP credential later.
Step 3
Selection of SNMP community: In this step, you will be able to choose or add a SNMP community if it was not mapped in the Step 2;
Step 4
HTTP Authentication: In this step, you will be able to choose or add a HTTP credential if it was not mapped in the Step 2;
Step 5
Import settings: In this step it is possible to determinate the behavior of the import relating to the printers that were removed from the Host mas were in the import file.