Import accounts From file
Process prerequisite
The file extension should be ".csv" or ".txt"
The fields listed in the file should be separated by ";"
The import file must be generated with the Encoding used by NDD Print (ISO 8859-1)
In the account import it is possible to map the fields: Account*, Code, Manager and Manager Domain. Being that the fields with "*" are mandatory.
To import accounts from file > tab Users > group Importing User > action Accounts > Next
Enter the data as requested by the wizard:
Step 1
File selection: This file must contain the printers information and respect the prerequisites.
Step 2
Field mapping: In this step the fields must be mapped, so that the contents of the column correspond to the field informed;
Account: Required field;
Manager Domain.
If the file has accounts with different names and the same code, the wizard will block the progress of the import.
The user configured as manager doesn't have to belong to the account, and will not be added as member of the account in this process.
Step 3
Define Hierarchy: In this step it is possible to set whether the imported accounts possess hierarchy;
Set hierarchy based on the account code: It is possible to set if the account hierarchy will be based on the format of the account code or configured manually.
Use separator character: Separates a code through a character;
Use breakers by number of characters: Defines how many characters make up each part of the code.
If selected to not set a hierarchy based on code, the step 4 will be ignored and the wizard will move straight to step 5.
The following step depends on the type of hierarchy that was selected;
Step 5
Manually set hierarchy: In this step it is possible to view the hierarchy applied based on the code and manually edit it.
Next: Moves an account to the next level, making it the daughter of another account that was on the same level;
Back: Moves an account to the previous level, making it the parent of another account that was on the same level;
Above: Moves the account upward in the list of accounts, being able to change its location in the account tree;
Below: Moves the account downward in the list of accounts, being able to change its location in the account tree;
Add: Add a new account to the list of accounts, requesting it's data:
Account name;
Account code;
Remove: Removes the selected account from the list;
Edit: Edit the data of the account selected in the list;