Click on the links below to see an example of each integration file
Novell Integration:
The Novell file should consist of: header, identification of the fields, print jobs, total of documents and footer. All these lines are mandatory and must be in the file. When processing these files, the system will import only the lines that have print jobs. In order to import, it is necessary that the lines with print jobs have the fields below:
The print jobs must be detailed following the sequence below:
*Job Owner
User name
*Printer Name
Name of the printer
*Date Submitted
Date the document was sent
*Date Completed
Date on which the document has finished being printed
Number of pages
*Job Size
Size of the document, in bytes
*Completion Code
Code of the status
*Job Name
Example of a Novell file structure:
The date and time must follow the following format: mm-dd-aaaa hh:mm:mm am/pm (it is not mandatory to enter the seconds, in which case the jobs are accounted as 0 seconds).
If any line of the file presents an error, the integration will continue processing the lines that are correct, and the lines with error will be stored in the folder Error, within the directory configured in the integration.
Generic Jobs Integration:
The file used to perform the Generic Jobs integration should have the information separated by ";" semicolon. And the print jobs should be listed in each line of the file, being that all fields are mandatory and must have the information presented below:
*Server IP
Name of the print server
*Operating System:
Numeric value that indicates the Operating System.
0: Unknown;
1: Windows 95;
2: Windows 98;
3: Windows NT;
4: Windows 2000;
5: Windows XP;
6: Windows 2003;
7: Linux;
8: Windows ME;
9: Windows Vista;
10: FreeBSD;
11: Windows 2008;
12: Macintosh;
13: Windows 7;
14: Windows 2008 R2.
*Print Queue:
Name of the queue that performed the printing;
*Printer model
*Queue's Driver
*Printer address
Indicates the application used to perform the print job.
Displays the quality of the printing that was carried out;
Obs.: Must contain only numbers.
0: Color;
1: Monochromatic;
*Number of pages:
Displays the date when the file was printed;
Must follow the format: aaaa/mm/dd
Printing time;
Must follow the format: hh:mm
Domain of the user who carried out the print;
User who carried out the print;
Title of the printed document;
*Printer's Serial Number
*Printer's Mac Address
Indicates the type of the print job.
1: Print;
2: Copy;
3: Fax Received;
4: Scan;
5: Fax Sent.
Server Name; Server IP; Operating System; Print Queue; Printer Model; Queue's Driver; Printer's Address; Origin; Duplex; Paper size; Quality; Color; Number of pages; Date; Hour; Domain; User; Title; Printer's Serial Number; Printer's Mac Address; JobType
The file must be generated in .GDL format, and it's title must follow the following pattern: JobsImporter_1_{Data}.gld, being that the field Date must follow the format AAAAMMDDhhmmss. Ex: JobsImporter_1_20080218160451.gld.
Topics with the “*“ are mandatory and must be noted.
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