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Validate data in real time

This option allows to consult, in real time, counters and supplies data from all printers in the environment, registered in the NDD Print Host or not.

To view a printer's data select it in the tab Printer list > tab Printers > group Printer > action Information


To visualize the data from a printer that is not registered in the application, access the option Indicators without selection any device.

The following data will be displayed:



Serial number;

Mac Address;



  • Description;

  • Remaining Status (%);

  • Serial Number;

  • Part Number;


  • Name;

  • Total;

  • Mono;

  • Color.


After accessing the indicators of a device, it is possible to consult the data from another one by tipping it's IP address in the field IP Address.


It will not be possible to consult the data in real time if the device is offline.

This consult does not send the collected data to the server NDD Print MPS. To do so, perform a synchronization.

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