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The overviews allows the status verification of the NDD Print Host's services and connections.

To access the Overview, open the NDD Print Host

Check the entered data, having in mind:

Product Name;


Update overview: located in the Overview's upper right corner. Updates all the available status.

Printers monitor;

  • Printers successfully monitored / Total of registered printers: displays the number of registered printers and how many of them generated data in the last cycle;

  • Last monitoring: date and time when the counter and supplies where collected by the last time;

  • Show printers grid: Option located in the printers grid upper right corner, that will display the list of printers registered in the NDD Print Host;

  • Update monitoring data;

Server NDD Print Host;

  • Authentication: displays the configuration status of the authentication and domain integrations, as well as the services required for authentication;

  • Policies: displays the communication status of the NDD Print Host's policy synchronization services;

  • Services: displays the general flaws in the NDD Print Host's services;

  • Update NDD Print Host server status;

Server NDD Print MPS;

  • Company name: Displays, on the NDD Print MPS's upper right corner, the company configured for the sending of counters, supplies and events;

  • MPS server connection status;

  • Connection Mode: Displays which connection mode is being used to communicate with the Portal MPS;

  • Last communication: Displays the time and date of the last communication with the MPS server;

  • Update connection status with server MPS;

Server NDD Print 360;

  • Company name: Displays, on the NDD Print Host's upper right corner, the company configured for the sending of job accounting, imports and integrations;

  • Server NDD Print 360 connection status;

  • Connection Mode: Displays which connection mode is used in the communication with the Portal 360;

  • Last communication: Displays the time and date of the last communication with the NDD Print 360 server;

  • Update connection status with server NDD Print 360.

Quota settings;

  • Type: It displays the quota type set in NDD Print Portal 360. They can be configured as shared quotas or quotas for users.

  • Behavior: It displays behavior quota control when activated, and you can configure to block or to notify;

  • Control Unit: It displays the unit used in quotas control, and you can configure as page, color or currency;

  • Update quota settings status;

Policy settings;Active policies: It displays the active policies number synchronized with NDD Print Portal 360;

  • Last sync: It displays the last date and time policies sync with NDD Print Portal 360;

  • Display synchronized policies: option located on the top right. It loads a list of all the policies that have been synchronized with the NDD Print Portal 360.

  • Refresh policy settings status.


Whenever there is a failure in the communication or operation of services and connections, to view more information, click Error > Details

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