Job Monitor
To choose which types will be accounted, access the administration interface and then Tools > Settings.
Access the tab Jobs and choose between the options available: Printings, Copies and Faxes.
If the option below is selected and the printer fails to access the shared directory to save the file, the print job will be canceled.
If unchecked, if the saving fails, the printer will ignore it and print the document.
The capture of copy and scan logs via BSI will only occur in models that have this feature, and for that, you must add the printer with nddPrint authentication enabled. The purpose selected in the authentication process will be assigned in copy and scan jobs (Charge Back).
Due to equipment platform limitations, the logs will only be sent after the user performs his work and logs out of the application (or when TimeOut occurs). And for this to occur correctly, the printer must be prevented from being turned off or communication failure with the server occurring.