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Activate Logs in NDD Print MF Epson

In this article, you will learn how to activate the NDD Print MF Epson and Client Epson Logs. This functionality allows you to analyze the operation of the component.

Activate Logs

  1. Download the Tracer tool from NDD Print Resources

  2. Open the Tracer tool, in the Enable tracer tab, select MF Epson

  3. Select Enable tracer and set the desired level






Debugging of the application's behavior based on internal events of interest.



Information highlighting the application's progress or lifetime events.

  1. Under Control by, select the type of control for recycling the Logs

    1. Time - Logs will be deleted according to the period of days chosen

    2. Size - The logs will be deleted according to the size in MB chosen

  2. Click Apply

The NDD Print MF Epson services will be restarted.

You can click on the directory that appears in the tool to access the logs.



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