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Actions on documents.


To print and save the document, click on the Settings icon and choose Yes in the Save field;

To return to the copier function, click the Menu button;

To select all documents, click the Select All icon, to deselect, click Restart.

Depending on the printer, you can use the conversion options, located on the Settings icon;


Documents held at local stations cannot be saved and their printing is limited to one copy per document.

The Save option must be enabled on the NDD Print Releaser server. Refer to the manual.


Click the Settings icon and choose Yes in the Save field. After printing, the document will be saved.


The Save option must be enabled on the NDD Print Releaser server. Refer to the manual.

Select finality

If used, the finalities will be listed to the user so that he can set the quota discount. The choice is made after login, and the chosen finality will be used for all copies and prints.

In this case, it will not be possible to change the printing finality after logging in. If it is necessary to change it, the user must log out and login again.


Regardless of which account is selected, the quota discount will always be made for the corporate quota


Documents that are in the pending interface can be deleted at any time, and it will not be possible to recover them.

To delete a document, select it, click the Delete button and confirm your deletion.


To check the properties of a document, click the Details button next to the document.

You can view the title, date sent, total pages, mono pages, color pages, duplex, paper size, file size, cost (when used) and where the document have been retained.

To return to the previous interface, click on the icon or OK.

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