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Control via policies.

When activating job control through policies, the authenticated user's jobs will go through a filter (configured by the administrator) where the solution will inform you if these jobs violates one or even all filters imposed by the administrator.

Restriction Policies


After performing the printing process, the authenticated user will be alerted with reasons why the document was not allowed to be printed. This blocking can also occur when trying to print a delegated document, when the delegating user has restrictions.


The settings and descriptions of the reason for the block are displayed as configured in Portal 360.


In this case, when the authenticated user has restrictions to perform copy jobs, a warning will be shown to the user.


Restriction policies can be applied to user groups, equipment or specific users.

Warning Policies

After performing the printing process, the authenticated user will be alerted with reasons why the document has not yet been printed. In this case, the user will be able to regularize the documents and release the printing. This behavior also occurs when trying to print a delegated document when the delegating user is restricted.

Conversion Policies

After starting the printing process, the authenticated user will be alerted that the documents can be converted (mono and/or duplex). Select if you want to convert them and click on the print icon to finish the process.


For more information on policies, as well as their settings, got to the Portal 360 manual

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