Copy Menu.
The Copy feature can be used by the user to make copies of your documents in a secure manner (through authentication).
To use this featue, the user must select or point to a finality after login (if used), and restrictive policies may have been configured in Portal 360, such as: time to make copies, quota and account control, among others.
In the printer's native interface, choose the copy options and press the physical Start button.
After making the copies, the user can check quotas directly on the top bar, or go to the Menu and access nddPrint. If the user does not have enough quotas, a restrictive message will be displayed.
To log out when entering a copy, click on the physical Access button, located on the printer panel.
The equipment does not block copies that exceed the quota value, the block will happen during the user's next access, where the quota will be negative, or when the copy value is the same as the quota (example: 2 quota pages, make 2 copies);
Only time and weekday blocking policies will apply. Blocking policies for duplex or color are not applied because verification is done at authentication..
The equipment timeout is the standard configured on the web page. The value configured on Portal 360 is used by the equipment to determine the connection time, where a value greater than 90 seconds is recommended, to avoid errors in the MF printer registration since it is a lengthy process.
When changing the quota behavior on the server, it is necessary to remove the NDD Print Client Konica from the printer and install it again using the NDD Print MF Konica wizard.