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NDD Print MF

From version 5.7.0 of NDD Print MF Konica, we recommend using NDD Print Host v.5.37.0 or higher.


Minimum System Requirements

Processor: Dual-Core 2.0GHz or higher


Disk Space: Greater than 40 GB

Memory and processing consumption can vary depending on the number of printers monitored and the volume of printing generated.


Required Settings

Microsoft .Net Framework 4.6.1 or higher

Released ports:

5656 (DCS), 56562 e 56563 (HTTP)

443 (HTTPS)

80 (IIS)

161 e 162 (SNMP)

6030, 6031 and 6032 (Authentication)

50001, 50003, 50443 e 54321 (Open API)

IIS with the following active items:

Common HTTP resources (All)

Application Development (All)

Operation and Diagnostics (HTTP Logging and Request Monitor)

Security (Basic and Windows Authentication)

Performance (Static Content Compression)

Management Tools (IIS Management Console)

IIS 6 Management Compatibility (All)

WCF service, with HTTP Activation option enabled

Microsoft resources. Net Framework 3.5 (Feature enabled directly on the operating system)

Approved operating systems

Windows Server

Windows Server 2008

Windows Server 2008  R2

Windows Server 2012

Windows Server 2012  R2

Windows Server 2016

Approved printers

Konica BIZHUB C224e

Konica BIZHUB 454e

Konica BIZHUB C287

Konica BIZHUB C258

Konica BIZHUB C454

Konica BIZHUB 4050

Konica BIZHUB 4750

Konica BIZHUB C3350

Konica BIZHUB 361

For accounting to work, the equipment must have Job Management. To find out if your equipment has this feature, contact the supplier.

If the data such as User Name and Document Title are not being captured by SNMP, check if the option below is configured as described:

  1. Access the equipment menu;

  2. In Utility access Administrator Settings > Security Settings > Security Details;

  3. Mark the option Hide Personal Information(MIB) as OFF.    

NDD Print Client

Before using the printer with NDD's embedded solution, it is essential to verify and validate user settings, access credentials, domains and the authentication types presented on NDD Print Portal 360 and NDD Print Host and NDD Print Releaser servers.

NDD Print modules

Required modules

NDD Print Portal 360

NDD Print Host

NDD Print Releaser


Check the compatible models on our Compatibility guide.


RAM: 4 GB (minimum)

Hard Disk (HD)

SNMPv1, v2 and v3 feature active and configured (when available)


OpenAPI 3.0;

Resource Browser enabled;

WebDav enabled;

Configure the Marketing Area for the Europe region

SSL Enabled

In some printer models, it is necessary to configure SSL so that the NDD Print MF Konica module works as embedded (Client). Follow the steps below:

  1. Log in as an administrator on the device's web interface (Page Scope Web Connection);

  2. In the Security section, activate the subsection PKI Settings;

  3. Create a new certificate by following the steps below;

  4. Click New Registration, select Create and register a self-signed Certificate and click OK;

  5. Fill in all fields with the values for your organization. These values have no functional significance;

  6. For the validity period, the maximum recommended number of days is offered (usually 3650 = 10 years);

  7. Encryption Strength can remain the default value;

  8. Click OK to generate the certificate;

  9. Restart the device.

The default administrator password is “12345678”, on some newer devices it is “1234567812345678

If there is no such subsection, skip this section and refer to Appendix A for configuring older devices

Even if there is already a certificate in the Device Certificate List, it cannot be used for SSL. Please delete it and create a new one

After restarting the device, log in as an administrator on the device's web interface, Security section, activate the subsection PKI Settings > choose SSL Setting > change Mode using SSL/TLS to Admin Mode or Admin Mode and User Mode (on some machines: only enable).

  1. Your browser will log in under https mode. You may have to confirm an invalid certificate in your browser.

  2. Section Network > TCP Socket Setting > check Use SSL/TLS > click OK >Restart the device again;

  3. Log in to the administrator web interface, and in the Network section activate the subsection OpenAPI.

  4. On the list Use SSL/TLS, select SSL Only.

  5. Check that Port No. (SSL) is set to 50003.

  6. All Certificate Verification Level Settingsshould be configured to Do not request (1st item) or Do Not Confirm (all other items), including validity period that is normally set to Confirm by default, click OK., clique em OK.

On some newer devices, an OpenAPI password has been set up and needs to be removed, to do this, follow the steps below:

Access the administrator settings on the equipment panel (not on the web interface):

  1.  Press the Utility button on the panel;

  2. Press Administrator Settings on the screen;

  3. Log in with the administrator password;

  4. Select System Connection > OpenAPI Settings > Authentication;

  5. Check that OFF is selected and press OK.

For security reasons, it is also recommended that the default password for web access be changed.

Check that the SSDP protocol is enabled on Utility > Administrator > Settings > Network Settings > SSDP Settings.

We strongly recommend that the default password be changed. Section Security > Administrator Password Settings > check Password is changed > enter new password > click OK

The printer must use a Fixed IP Address;


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