NDD Print Releaser
NDD Print Releaser acts as a print manager, storing documents sent for printing, which are retained until released by the user. This release can be performed on any equipment in the organizational environment, whenever desired and safely, through release agents on equipment panels, network readers, totems, tablets, smartphones and the Web.
Furthermore, with NDD Print Releaser it is possible to:
Print documents on different printers or devices, regardless of site or location - feature called print follow-me;
Share or delegate print jobs;
Offer users mobility in accessing their profile, bringing information on balances, usage history and environmental impact directly on the smartphone or tablet;
Administer private and public documents, with policy supervision and/or quota control by value, page and color;
Allow users to print without having to map printers, or install other applications – a feature called printing via email;
Obtain security in the printing of documents, as they will only be printed upon release by the user, who must log in to the release terminal, which can be: application, embedded, web, mobile devices or touch panels - a feature called secure release.
NDD Print Releaser makes the organizational printing environment secure, flexible and, above all, mobile.