Manage the printer group costs
User prerequisites:
Master Administrator Permission or
Process prerequisites:
To add costs per paper type > view Printers > menu Groups > on the list select the group > action Open > tab Costs > locate Cost by paper > click on +Add cost by paper
Enter the necessary data, considering:
Paper type: It allows you to select the paper type to apply the cost.
Select paper type;
Print and copy cost: It allows you to determine the costs per paper when the print job is:
Simplex (color or mono);
Duplex (color or mono).
To manage the default costs > view Printers > menu Groups > on the list select the group > action Open > tab Costs > Edit
Change the necessary data, considering:
Default print and copy cost: It allows determine the cost of print and copy jobs for all printers belonging to the group.
Simplex Mono;
Simplex Color;
Duplex Mono;
Duplex Color.
Duplex printing with odd page number will have its last page accounted as simplex.
Multifunctional default cost: It allows determine scan and fax costs sent to all printers belonging to the group.
Fax sent.
Cost by color level: Cost used by printers from Xerox manufacturer;
Level 1 (L1): Small amount of color;
Level 2 (L2): Moderate color coverage;
Level 3 (L3): Pages printed in heavy colors.
Costs per color levels will be used only on models that have this information, and which are NDD approved.
When you reset the printing costs, a processing queue will be started on the server.
Until all queues are processed, alert messages are displayed when accessing the reports.