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Conflicting policies

Policies are considered conflicting when a print made satisfies more than one policy, and each policy behaves differently.

A policy can be conflicting when:

  • Two or more policies are created with equal actions, and the user participates in both;

  • Two or more policies are created with different actions, and the user participates in both;

  • The user may be involved in conflicting policies when he or she is a member of different user groups;

  • The user may be involved in conflicting policies when a user and a printer are participating in different policies;

  • The user is inserted into a policy that conflicts with the policy created for the group to which he or she belongs;

  • The user prints the document to a printer with policies that conflict with printer group policies.

Permission policies can generate conflicts because they are responsible for restricting or releasing jobs. The Security and Conversion policies are not conflicting with each other, since in the case of multiple actions, they will be cumulative.


In the occurrence of conflicts, the system will first make the decision according to the priority of the object, and persisting the conflict will take into account the priority of the behavior.

Object Priority

User on printer


User group


Printer group



A user X is inserted in two conflicting policies:

  • Policy A: It does not allow the jobs printing on a particular Printer;

  • Policy B: It allows jobs printing to user X.

In this case, the user will be able to print the job, since the priority of the "User" object of Policy B is a priority over the "Printer" of Policy A.

In cases where it is not possible to determine the priority policy through object priority, analysis will be performed under behavioral priorities. In this case, the most restrictive will always be applied, as shown in the table below:

Behavior Priority

Behavior Permission

Do not allow


Notify station


Behavior Security

When the "Print stamp" is enabled, the policy will be a priority.

Behavior Conversion

Automatically convert

Suggest conversion

Do not convert


A user Y is inserted into two conflicting policies:

  • Policy D: It allows the jobs printing to a User Group, in which user Y is inserted;

  • Policy E: It does not allow the jobs printing for a User Group, in which user Y is inserted.

Note that in this case the priority of the object is the same, since there are two policies for different user groups, but user Y is inserted in both.

In this context, the priority of the behaviors will be evaluated, so user Y will not be able to print the document, since Policy E, being the most restrictive, will be applied in that case.

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