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Export report for print jobs

This report allows you to view print data, and in addition to the filter options, you can apply some export preferences.

To view the report > view Reports > menu Exports > Print jobs


Each user will view the information in the reports according to their permissions, so when they do not have manager permission, only the data of their print jobs will be displayed.

The report generation wizard will display the filters:

Date interval: This range allows you to delimit the information that will be displayed in the report.

Filter entire days: When enabled, it is not necessary to enter time in the Start Date and End Date fields.

Start date;

End date.


User: It allows you to view only the selected user information;

Computer: It allows you to view only the selected computer information;

Physical printer: Allows you to view only the selected printer information.

Advanced filter:

Color: It allows to generate the report according to the selected color, being: "Colored" or "Black and White";

Paper: It allows you to generate the report according to the selected paper type;

Print mode: It allows to generate the report according to the selected print mode, being: "Simplex" or "Duplex";

Application: It allows you to generate the report according to the selected file type (Word, Excel, PDF ...);

Origin: It allows to generate the report according to the print source, being: "Bureau", "Forms", "DPS" or "Direct printing";

Type: It allows to generate the report according to the job type, being: "Printing", "Copy" or "Fax Received";

Account: It allows you to generate the report only from a specific account;

Site: It allows you to generate the report only from a specific site;

Department: It allows you to generate the report only from a specific department;

Export options: It allows defining the additional information that should be presented in the report, as well as the way the data should be exported:

Export print job details (title and date): It allows you to drill down into report information with title and date. This option is not recommended due to the large number of registers to return.

Export accounts code;

Export printer additional information (IP, port, type, serial, site and department): It allows you to drill down the report information with additional printer data.

Export information from the print queues: It inserts the information about the print queues, such as "Queue name", "Driver", "Queue port", and "Sharing" in the report.

Send to my email: This field brings the email configured in the user's registry that is logged in, the address to which the report will be sent;

Select data field to apply filter:

Print date;

Inclusion date;


Save as: It allows you to choose the file export format, which can be: "CSV" or "XML".

Create multiple files, due to Excel limitation: This option should be used when data exceeds 65,000 lines, since this is a limitation of Excel itself.

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