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Generate custom report

To generate a report > view Reports > menu Custom > select the report from the list > action Generate


Custom reports are not supported by the Internet Explorer browser.

The report generation wizard will display the filters:

Start date;

End date;

Color: It allows you to generate the report according to the selected color, which can be: "Color" or "Mono";

Paper: It allows you to generate the report according to the type of paper informed;

Origin: It allows to generate the report according to the print source, being: "Bureau", "Forms", "DPS" or "Direct printing";

Job Type: It allows you to generate the report according to the job type performed, which can be: "Print", "Copy", "Fax received", "Scanning" and "Fax sent";

Mode: It allows to generate the report according to the selected print mode, being: "Simplex" or "Duplex";

Application Name: It allows you to generate the report according to the application used to generate the print job;

User Full Name: It allows you to generate the report according to the name of the user who performed the print job;

User Login: It allows you to generate the report according to the login of the user who performed the print job;

Domain name: It allows you to generate the report according to the domain of the user who performed the print job;

Print Queue: It allows you to generate the report according to the print queue name;

Printer Driver Name: It allows you to generate the report according to the printer driver name;

Server Address: It allows you to generate the report according to the server name;

Printer Queue Type: It allows you to generate the report according to the type of printer queue selected, which can be: "Local", "Shared" or "Network";

Printer Name: It allows you to generate the report according to the printer name;

Station Address: It allows you to generate the report according to the station address;

Serial Number: It allows you to generate the report according to the serial number of the printer;

Printer Model: It allows you to generate the report according to printer model;

Printer Type: It allows you to generate the report according to the type of printer, which can be: "Local" or "Network";

Port: It allows you to generate the report according to the printer port;

Location: It allows you to generate the report according to the location of the printer;

Departament: It allows you to generate the report according to the department of the printer;

Site: It allows you to generate the report according to the site of the printer;

Account: It allows you to generate the report according to the account to which the user who performed the print job belongs;

Code: It allows you to generate the report according to the code of the account to which the user who performed the print job belongs;

Sort By Column: It allows you to sort the report information according to the selected column;

Classification: It allows you to the list information as "Ascending" or "Descending".

Export preview: Preview optimized for CSV export.


In this type of visualization there is no data limit.

Print preview: Print-optimized preview.


In this type of visualization we have a limit of 10,000 lines (items). Reports with more than 10 columns can hamper PDF and EXCEL printing and exports.

Generate in new tab.

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