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Schedule report

The scheduling is done during the configuration of each report, and allows the selection of filters so that it is generated and sent automatically.

Available filters are:

Periodicity: It allows you to define the periodicity with which the report will be generated and sent.


I wish to receive reports every: Day of the week you want to receive the report;

Send only last week data: In this case only the data from the last 7 days will be presented in the report;

Send data since last day: In this case the data will be presented in the report from the configured day, until the day of yesterday;

Send data from the last __ weeks: In this case, the data will be presented according to the number of weeks informed.


I wish to receive reports each day __ of every month: Day of the month you want to receive the report.


Receive reports on the following date: In this case it is possible to set a specific date for receiving the report.

Date interval: This range allows you to delimit the information that will be displayed in the report.

  • Filter entire days: When enabled it is not necessary to enter time in the Start Date and End Date fields.

  • Start date;

  • End date.

Click on Next

Report identification:

Report name.


Send to my email: This field brings the email configured in the user's registry that is logged in, the address to which the report will be sent.        

Language: Report language;

Specify destinations: Allows you to add recipients who should receive the report by email by clicking on " Add...".

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