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Understanding the filters

Filters provide flexibility to the user to find the information wanted, because they allow user to search for data in a simple or advanced way, applying criteria to refine the search.

Simple filter: It allows you to perform the search using only one information.


Performing the search only by "Admin": In this case the result shows all records containing the entered value.

simple search filter example

To clear the search, click on β€œX”

Advanced filter: It allows you to perform the search using more than one criterion, to refine the search.

Field: It allows you to define where the filter will be applied;

Operator: It lists the comparison types that can be made:



Starts with;

Ends with;

Not equals;

Not contains;

Not starts with;

Not ends with.

Value: It allows you to enter the information to be searched;

Logical separator: Using the logical separators "AND" or "OR" you can determine the relationship between the criteria entered in the filter.

New criteria.


Two-criteria search and logical separator "AND": In this case the result only shows the records that are in agreement with the two added criteria.

example of search filter with two criteria and logical separator β€œAND”


Two-criteria search and logical separator "OR": In this case the result shows all the records that match any of the two criteria added.

example of search filter with two criteria and logical separator β€œOR”

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