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Advanced Settings

It allows adding NDD Print Releaser specific settings registry keys without accessing the Windows registry.

To add a setting

  1. open the Run Windows and type “Instalation folder\NDDigital\nddPrint\Releaser\nddPrint.Releaser.Manager.exe”-config

  2. tab Windows Registry

  3. Enter the necessary data

    1. Name: It corresponds to the field Value from the available settings list

    2. Value: It corresponds to the Possible values from the available settings list

  4. Add

List of available settings

The list presented below should be used whenever there is the need to add advanced configuration of the NDD Print Releaser.

The values with the “*” need the services of "NDDigital NDD Print Releaser" be manually restarted so the settings can take effect.


Possible values



Path where these settings are saved: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\NDDigital\nddPrint\Releaser


Positive integer


When using the N5NetProx network reader, it allows you to indicate how many card code characters will be read.


Positive integer


When using the N5NetProx network reader, it allows you to indicate which character starts the card reading.




When enabled (True), it forces the ReleaserCap to capture, through the NCParser component, information from: PagesMono, PagesColor, LastPageColor, Duplex, and Quality


Positive integer (seconds)


Time interval for communication with the NDD Print Agent, used to release documents held at the station.




When enabled (True) the NDD Print Releaser automatically adjusts, within the PJL file, the document copies number.




It enables you to download the user aliases available on NDD Print Host.




When enabled (True), and NDD Print Releaser is using SQLServer database, the ReleaserCap will use the default SQL component instead of OleDB to access the database.




When enabled (True), the parser of PDF documents will be performed using VeryDoc.

Additional settings

  • Write the user's logon in the title of PDF documents printed by the GhostScript component

  • Use communication with the NDD Print Agent of the workstations via Nancy (HTTP)

  • Use HTTPS to communicate with the NDD Print Agent on the workstations

To remove a setting

  1. open the Run Windows

  2. type “Instalation folder\NDDigital\nddPrint\Releaser\nddPrint.Releaser.Manager.exe”-config

  3. tab Windows Registry

  4. select the setting

  5. Remove


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