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Set up email notifications

Process Prerequisites:

The email server must be configured

It allows users to be notified by email whenever a document is shared or delegated to it, and / or when a delegated document is printed.

To enable email notifications > menu Tools > Settings ... > tab Email notifications > select the desired behavior > Apply > OK

Select the desired behavior, considering that:

Notify user when there is a new shared/delegated document: In this case the user will receive an email whenever a document is shared or delegated to him.

  • Edit email body: This option allows the customization of the message that will be inserted in the email.

Notify the owner of the delegated document that his document has been released: In this case the user will receive an email informing that the delegated document has been printed.

  • Edit email body: This option allows the customization of the message that will be inserted in the email.


Depending on the print volume, and the number of notifications sent, the email server can consider it as SPAM messages, not delivering all emails correctly. If this occurs, check your firewall and security settings.

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