Print documents
Process prerequisites:
To print pending documents > view Pending Documents > select the documents on the list > action Print
To print saved documents > view Saved Documents > select the documents on the list > action Print
On the printing selected documents interface, the user can see the document names, deciding the account type to use, the printing purpose, number of pages, document cost, number of documents and the total cost of printing.
You can also see the user available quota balance, which can be Private or Corporate, the selected printer, the number of copies, choose to convert the documents to duplex/simplex and mono/color.
The user can click on the “trash can” icon to remove the document from the current print, or click BACK to return to the previous interface, if you have entered a restriction/suggestion policy interface, or CANCEL to return to the document list.
When configuring the desired printing options, the user must choose what action to take, whether to PRINT, PRINT & SAVE, or CANCEL.
If there is any permission or conversion policy configured in the NDD Print Portal 360 for the user or printer, a screen to regularize the printing will be presented to the user, with the list of documents to be printed, and the user can remove items from the list or apply conversions.
The displayed settings and messages are configured on NDD Print Portal 360 and can be applied to user groups, printers or specific users.
The printer search during printing time can be done using the following fields: Physical queue name, Printer name, Equipment location, Serial number, Model, Manufacturer and IP address.
The printer name displayed in the grid document selection and when printing is the custom name defined on the Releaser Server. If there is no custom name, the printer manufacturer and model will be displayed.
The finality and selected account options will only be displayed if they are enabled on NDD Print Portal 360;
For the quota balance to be displayed, it is necessary that the quota control is activated on NDD Print Portal 360;
The Print & Save option will only be available when configuring the option to save documents on NDD Print Releaser and the Pending Documents view is displayed;
Documents held at local stations cannot be saved and printing them limits the number of copies of all documents to one;
To enable disk space quota, refer to the NDD Print Portal 360 manual;
To enable policies, refer to the NDD Print Portal 360 manual;
To enable account selection, refer to the NDD Print Portal 360 manual;
The name of the Corporate account and Account can be customized on NDD Print Portal 360.