Administrative Area Settings
The application settings are accessible through the icon ⚙️, localized in the bottom-left corner.
Use the default password 1111 to login in.
When accessed the administrative area, will be available options about the time for the screen power-off (power saving), IP, Servers port and password change.

Option of Energy Saving After
In this option is configured the time, in minutes, to the monitor brightness be decreased if the product is idle after the set time. The default value (minimum) preset is 30 seconds. Click on the values and enter the desired time or press the + and - buttons. Select OK in the end.
The brightness percentage reduction will occur according to the equipment, and in some cases, on a small scale.
IP of Host Server Option
Type the IP which is separated by dots, as in the example: After setting the address of the server, enter the number of configured communication port. As default, is used the 5656.
IP of nddPrint Releaser server:
Type the IP which is the nddPrint Releaser module, separated by dots, as in the example: setting the address of the server, enter the number of configured communication port. As default, is used the 5656.
Alter the Password
Allows to alter the access password to the administrative area, which by default is 1111, to change it, enter the old password and then insert the new password in the second and third field, respectively. This must have between four and eight characters, in which only allowed the use of letters and / or numbers.
In case of loss, you must remove the applications and reinstall.
Background Image
Enables you to change the image of the initial interface background by simply plugging a pendrive with the image (.jpg or .png), select and confirm, since the resolution is equal to the equipment.
Log Off
To log off the application and enter the operational system.
Enable log for diagnostic
Only used to detect flaws in the application. To utilize it, is needed that a pendrive in format FAT32 be connected to the device.
Accomplished the settings above, click on CONFIRM to save changes or CANCEL to exit the settings interface without saving changes.