Delegated Documents are the documents that have permissions extended to specific users, in which, the user receive the task of printing, and is only doing the work of releasing the printing for the document's owner, being that will not affect on your credits, when utilized.
If the delegating user does not have credits enough will be informed that the printing can not occur.

The delegated documents will be available and can be removed or not, according to the settings chosen in the delegating moment, to know more about how to share a document, consult the nddPrint Releaser WEB product manual.
In the interface of delegated documents, the user interacts through the buttons RECENT DOCUMENTS (documents delegated in the last 24 hours) and USERS (all the document delegations per user), being that in both of the views the user can accomplish the conversion to Mono and Duplex,visualize the amount of copies, document name, owner name, pages number, values (when enabled),the sending date and printers available.

To accomplish the navigation between shared documents or user that shared the documents just click the buttons:

To navigate between the users, utilize the icon. To go back to the users' initial interface, click on

Para voltar ao menu principal, basta clicar no ícone:

To go back to main menu, just click:

To accomplish the application logoff, click: