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Data collection and transmission protocols

The purpose of this document is to detail the secure and intelligent data collection methods used by the NDD Print 360, NDD Print MPS and NDD Orbix products. It presents diagrams and descriptions that illustrate how these products work, specifying the modules responsible for each data collection process.

Information is captured via network and/or USB communication, where its main module, NDD Print Host, performs the actions of compression, encryption and sending of this information to a database located in the datacenter of the NDD solution provider or the MPS provider.

The tool fetches data at pre-scheduled times, transparently and with no impact on the customer's network. In the diagram below, you can see the data capture flow and the operation of NDD Print.

Methods for capturing counter, supply and event data

Counter, supply and event data is collected from the printers using one of the options below, depending on the installation carried out in the environment:

  1. Data collection over the network (server or workstation) - The NDD Print Host module, responsible for data collection, communicates with the printers over the network via the SNMP (Port 161 and 162), 80 (HTTP) and NPAP (Lexmark Port 9300, 9301, 9302, 9500 and 9501) protocols.

  2. USB data collection (station) - The NDD Print Agent module, responsible for data collection, communicates with the printer via the USB channel.

  3. Embedded data collection (printer) - In this option, the NDD Print Collector module, responsible for data collection, communicates directly with the printer.

Embedded data collection is available from the following manufacturers:

  • Canon

  • HP Workpath

  • Kyocera

  • Lexmark

  • Ricoh

  • Samsung

Other data collected from printers

  • IP address

  • MAC

  • Serial number

  • Printer name

  • Port

  • Connection type

  • Manufacturer

  • Printer model

  • Printer type (color or black and white)

  • Available functions (duplex or simplex, whether fax and/or scan)

This data is grouped into three types of files:

  • File with the .NSL extension for counters and supplies (NDD Print MPS)

  • File with the .NPA extension for events (NDD Print MPS)

  • File with the .JSON extension for counters, supplies and events (NDD Orbix)

Size of these files

  • NSL: 14kb for an NSL with 200 printers monitored with counters and supplies

  • NPA: 4kb for each file generated

  • JSON: 400 bytes per file. Each file contains the data of one printer.

Encryption applied

Both NSL and NPA file formats are compressed and encrypted using AES encryption, or Advanced Encryption Standard, and are sent to the datacenter of the NDD solution provider, or the MPS provider, using the HTTPS/SSL protocol, with a digital certificate that uses RSA 2048-bit encryption for keys and SHA 256-bit encryption for data.

The JSON files are compressed and encrypted, also using AES encryption, with a 256-bit key, using the HTTPS 1.2 protocol and sent to the Datacenter (NDD) via the

HTTPS/SSL protocol, with a digital certificate that uses RSA 2048-bit encryption for keys and SHA 256-bit encryption for data.

Methods for capturing print, copy, fax and scan data

Print, copy, fax and scan data is collected from printers using one of the options below, depending on the installation carried out in the environment:

Physical accounting by network (server)

Each manufacturer has different features, listed below:


Accounts for data using the technologies of each device, which can be:

  • CSV

  • SPLN (Store Print Logs to Network)

  • BSI.

Communication with the printers takes place via ports 161 (SNMP), 443 and 445 (shared directory).

Module responsible: NDD Print MF Brother


Accounts for data using the technologies of each device, which can be:

  • OXPd

  • HTTP

  • SNMP.

Communication with the printers takes place via ports 161 (SNMP), 80 (HTTP), 7627 and 57627 (OXPd).

Module responsible: NDD Print MF HP


Accounts for data using the technologies of each device, which can be:

  • Open API

  • HTTP

  • SNMP.

Communication with the printers takes place via ports 161 (SNMP), 80 (HTTP) and 50001, 50003, 50443 and 54321 (Open API).

Module responsible: NDD Print MF Konica


Accounts for data using the technologies of each device, which can be:

  • CSV

  • SPLN (Store Print Logs to Network)

  • BSI.

Communication with the printers takes place via ports 161 (SNMP), 443 and 445 (shared directory).

Module responsible: NDD Print MF Brother


Accounts for data using ODCA technology.

Communication with the printers takes place via ports 161 (SNMP), 80 (HTTP), 49629 and 49630 (ODCA).
Module responsible: NDD Print MF Oki


Accounts for data using JBA technology.

Communication with the printers takes place via ports 161 (SNMP), 80 (HTTP) and 443 (HTTPS).


Accounts for data via HTTP.

Communication with the printers takes place via ports 161 (SNMP) and
80 (HTTP).

Module responsible: NDD Print MF Sharp


Accounts for data via HTTP.

Communication with the printers takes place via ports 161 (SNMP) and 80 (HTTP).

Module responsible: NDD Print MF Epson


Accounts for data using HTTP or SNMP.

Communication with the printers takes place via ports 161 (SNMP) and 80 (HTTP).

Module responsible: NDD Print n-MF Kyocera


It accounts for data using NPAP technology.

Communication with the printers takes place via ports 161 (SNMP), 80 (HTTP) and 9300 (NPAP).

Module responsible: NDD Print n-MF Lexmark


Accounts for data using XML, HTTP or SNMP.

Communication with the printers takes place via ports 161 (SNMP) and 80 (HTTP).

Module responsible: NDD Print n-MF Ricoh


It accounts for data using the technologies of each device, which can be:

  • SyncThru

  • CSV.

Communication with the printers takes place via ports 161 (SNMP), 80 (HTTP) and 445 (CSV), 8081 and 8082.

(SyncThru/Fleet Admin).

Module responsible: NDD Print n-MF Samsung

Logical accounting using the print queue (server/station)

The NDD Print Agent module is responsible for collecting the data, it carries out the accounting of print jobs by collecting detailed information on the print service.

On-board physical accounting (printer)

The NDD Print Collector module is responsible for data collection and communicates directly with the printer.

Embedded physical accounting is available for the following manufacturers:

  • Canon

  • HP Workpath

  • Kyocera

  • Lexmark

  • Ricoh

  • Samsung

Data collected from jobs

  • Domain

  • Login

  • Full name

  • Document title

  • Color pages

  • B&W pages

  • Simplex or Duplex

  • Paper type

  • Application

  • Date and time

  • Type (print, copy, fax, scan)

  • DPI quality

Data collected from printers

  • IP address

  • MAC

  • Serial number

  • Printer name

  • Port

  • Connection type

  • Manufacturer

  • Printer model

  • Printer type (color or black and white)

  • Available functions (duplex or simplex, whether fax and/or scan)

This data is grouped into a file type:

  • File with the extension .NPL.

File size

  • NPL: 6kb for 1,000 print jobs.

Encryption applied

For the NDD Print Agent and NDD Print MFs modules: The NPL file is compressed and encrypted using AES encryption, and sent to the NDD Print Host by DCS (port 5656) or Nancy (port 56562 HTTP, 56569 HTTPS). The NDD Print Host sends to the Datacenter (NDD's or the provider's) using the HTTPS/SSL protocol with a digital certificate that uses RSA 2048-bit encryption for keys and SHA 256-bit encryption for data.

For embedded modules: You can send the NPL file to the NDD Print Host or directly to the datacenter.

NDD Print Host

The NPL is compressed and encrypted using AES encryption, and is sent to the NDD Print Host via DCS (port 5656) or Nancy (port 56562 HTTP, 56569 HTTPS). The NDD Print Host sends it to the Datacenter (NDD's or the provider's) using the HTTPS/SSL protocol with a digital certificate that uses RSA 2048-bit encryption for keys and SHA 256-bit encryption for data.


Datacenter The NPL is compressed and encrypted using AES encryption, and is sent to the Datacenter (of the NDD or the provider) using the HTTPS/SSL protocol with a digital certificate that uses RSA 2048-bit encryption for keys and SHA 256-bit encryption for data uses RSA 2048-bit encryption for keys and SHA 256-bit encryption for data


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