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Error when uninstalling NDD Print Host


When installing NDD Print Host, we identified a failure when initializing some services, the interface also does not open

Important: WE CANNOT GENERATE TRACE. Both manually and using the tool, the traces are not generated, the files are not created in the NDDigital folder inside Temp, or in any other specified path. We can't uninstall the application, either through Windows programs and resources or through the Host's own unistall the files have to be removed manually.


The server is configured so that it is not possible to install 64bit applications on the .NET Framework.

This configuration caused the problem of registry keys being created outside the Wow6432Node, and the application not finding its settings.


Enable the installation of 64bit applications by following the steps below:

  1. Go to the Windows registry

  2. Go to the path HKLM\software\Microsoft\.net framework\enable64bit

  3. Change the value of the Enable64Bit key to 1

  4. Remove the NDD Print Host

  5. Reinstall the NDD Print Host


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