Cache Synchronization Failure (SyncHost)
When attempting to Sync Caches using the new SyncHost, the following failure is displayed in the Events: Failed to create authentication key with Portal 360 server: {UniqueKey":[The specified condition was not met for 'UniqueKey','']}
At the time of installation, the host creates a unique key for communication with the WS
This key is used to generate the SecretKey and Token, which will later be used to authenticate with the WS.
This key is valid for 24 hours. In the event of a communication failure with the WS, the SecretKey and Token generation process will not take place, meaning that the host will not be authorized to communicate with the WS after 24 hours.
Clear the current key in the Host Bank using the following process:
Stop all host services
Backup the Host Bank (nddPrintHost.sdf)
Open the database with SQL CE or SQL Analyze or SQL Manager (if the database is not Compact)
Run the following Query UPDATE Parameters SET ParameterValue = '' WHERE ParameterName = 'HostUniqueKey'
Starting services
Before any changes are made, communication with the WS mentioned must be guaranteed.
Other information
Some common problems that block communication:
Service User
Incorrect server hours
Host API service stopped