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Quais são os leitores e cartões compatíveis com o NDD Print Client HP?

Leitores RFID suportados


DMZ Universal RFID Reader 125KHz e 13,56MHz (ProductID = 3217 e VendorID = 3888)

DMZ Mini Bio Reader (ProductID = 3217 e VendorID = 3888)

DMZ MIFARE 088 (ProductID = 3217 e VendorID = 3888)


HP BIOSB 1106-00 - Product Nº CZ208A (ProductID = 45 e VendorID = 3F0)

HP BIOSB 1800-00 - Product Nº X3D03A (ProductID = 45 e VendorID = 3F0)

HP HID Mobile Access BLE MIFARE Card Reader MODEL 35H11A VID 3111 PID 15354


TWN3 - (ProductID = 310 e VendorID = 9D8)

TWN4 - (ProductID = 410 e VendorID = 9D8)


Omnikey 5427 CK Main - Firmware: 1.00.005d - SDR: 01.79 - SIO: 06.07 - Gen2 - Rev A (ProductID = 5428 e VendorID = 76B)

Omnikey 5427 CK Main - Firmware: 4.02.0100 - SDR: 03.12 - SIO: 0179 (ProductID = 5427 e VendorID = 76B)

Omnikey 5427 CK Main - Firmware: 0300042 - SDR: 03090000 - SIO: 01290000 (ProductID = 5427 e VendorID = 76B)

Para demais modelos TWN3, TWN4 e Omnikey, requer teste de compatibilidade.


Leitor de código de barras RFIdeas - MODEL MS3-00M1AKU

RFIdeas - MODEL Y7C05A VID 3111 PID 15354

RFIdeas - MODEL MS3-00M1AKU VID 3111 PID 4096

Cartões suportados pelos leitores HP

2SmartKey (Honeywell), NexKey, Nexwatch, KeyMate, QuadraKey


HID iClass CSN, ISO 14443A CSN, ISO 15693A CSN


Deister UID

Em/Marin ME410x/Rosslaire Alternate

Em/Marin ME410x/Rosslaire Primary, DIGITAG



HID iClass CSN

Cardax UID, Russwin UID

HID Prox

HiTag 1 and S Alternate

HiTag 1 and S Primary

HiTag 2 Alternate

HiTag 2 Primary

Indala ASP+ Custom (Motorola)

Indala ASP + UID (Motorola)

Indala ASP 26 Bit (Motorola)

Indala ASP UID (Motorola)

ioProx (Kantech)

Keri 26 Bits

ISO 15693A CSN, I-Code CSN, my-d CSN, SecuraKey Etag CSN, Texas Instruments Tag-It

ISO 14443A CSN, DESFire CSN, I-tag CSN, Legic Advant CSN, Mifare CSN, MiFare Ultralight CSN

Keri NXT 26 Bit, Pyramid 26 Bit, Farpointe Data 26 Bit

Keri NXT UID, Pyramid UID, Farpointe Data NXT UID

Keri UID


ReadyKey Pro UID

SecuraKey -01

SecuraKey -02



A lista de compatibilidade é fornecida pelo fabricante.

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