This configuration allows you to view and configure the database
Enter the necessary data, considering:
Server: Server name where the database is installed;
Port: Connection port to the server where the database is installed;
User: User used to access the server where the database is installed;
Password: User password to access the server where the database is installed;
Name: Database name.
Unable to change database name through NDD Print 360 Server interface
nddPrintLogsInputs Database
This database is responsible for storing the files received from companies.
Open the NDD Print 360 Server interface > menu Tools > Configurations > tab Database > tab nddPrintLogsInputs
Company Database
Configuration of the SQL server where the databases of the new registered companies will be created.
Open the NDD Print 360 Server interface > menu Tools > Configurations > tab Database > tab Companies
This setting is only used in the Enterprise Version of NDD Print 360 Server.
nddPrint360Queues Database
This database is responsible for queuing the companies' emails and exports.
Open the NDD Print 360 Server interface > menu Tools > Configurations > tab Database > tab nddPrint360Queues
nddPrint360Identity Database
This database is responsible for authentication and access permission data.
Open the NDD Print 360 Server interface > menu Tools > Configurations > tab Database > tab nddPrintIdentity