Optimize the database
This configuration allows you to optimize system performance, as this can be impaired when many files accumulate in the main database table.
By configuring this optimization, the system will move the old files to an auxiliary table, thus avoiding this situation.
Open the NDD Print 360 Server interface > menu Tools > Configurations > tab Database > nddPrintLogsInputs > locate Otimização > click on Optimization settings
Enter the necessary data, considering:
Move files processed since __ days ago: It allows you to determine how many days, after processing, the files will be moved to the auxiliary table;
Migrate files at __ o'clock: It allows you to determine the time at which these files will be moved between the tables.
This may take a few minutes to complete.
As long as file migration is taking place the system will not process or receive files. Once completed, the processing and receipt of files will be normalized.
In order to improve system performance, the database (nddPrintLogsInputs) will be automatically re-indexed after the files are migrated.
Even if this migration is not enabled, re-indexing will occur at the time set in the "Migrate files at __ o'clock" field, and the system will be paused until this process is completed.