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Installation process

To install the NDD Print 360 Server, observe the necessary requirements.

Step by step to perform the installation:

1. Run the NDD Print 360 Server installer;

2. Select the language, click OK;

3. Read the information presented in the wizard, select I am aware of the above information, click Next;

4. Enter the company name and Identification key, click Next;

5. Enter the installation folder, click Next;

6. Select whether you want to create the company database or use an existing, click Next;

7. Inform the connection data with the Database server, which are:

Server address: Address of the instance where the database will be created;

Username: Database server access user;

Password: Password for accessing the database server.

To perform a connection test, you can use the connection test button.

8. Repeat steps 6 and 7 for the other databases, click Next

9. Fill in the necessary data from the Web Server (IIS) to create the NDD Print Portal 360 Websites and the NDD Print 360 Server web services, which are:

Name of the website where NDD Print Portal 360 will be installed: Name of the website that will be created on the web server (IIS) to access NDD Print Portal 360;

Port: Port that will be assigned to the Website on the web server (IIS) to access NDD Print Portal 360;

Website where the web services will be installed: Name of the website on the web server (IIS) where the NDD Print 360 Server web services will be installed;

Create website: A new website will be created for installing the web services;

Use existing website: Existing websites on the web server (IIS) will be listed.

Port: Port that will be assigned to the website on the web server (IIS).

If the option Use the existing website is chosen, the selected port will be the one in use by it on the web server (IIS).

The port used to install the Websites must not be used by the system.

10. Click Next;

11. Fill in the necessary data to create the NDD Identity website, as follows:

Name of the website where NDD Identity will be installed: Name of the website of the NDD Identity that will be created on the web server (IIS);

Port: Port that will be assigned to the NDD Identity website on the web server (IIS);

Due to the vulnerability present in self-signed certificates, we recommend the use of a TLS certificate generated by a certifier.

SSL Certificate: SSL certificate installed on the web server (IIS);

Select the previously created and/or installed certificate

NDD Identity certificate: PFX file of SSL certificate installed on web server (IIS);

The folder where the certificate PFX file will be saved must have read and write permissions.

Password: Password of the selected certificate.

To verify that the certificate is valid, you can use the Validate certificate button.

12. Click Next;

13. Enter the data for the email server, click Next;

This configuration can be performed later by selecting the configure later option.

14. Choose where and to which users the shortcuts should be created, click Next;

15. Read the summary carefully and click install;

16. A screen with the component installation progress will be to appear, wait for completion and click Next;

17. After installation, keep the Open NDD Print Portal 360 option to make the first access;

18. Click Finish to close the installer.

Running NDD Print Server Admin for the first time will perform an inspection to activate the installation, this validation is done through the domain.

In cases where it is not possible to connect to the domain, you can perform the offline activation.


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