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Configure Agent.ini

To perform the silent installation of NDD Print Agent, run the installation package along the file "Agent.ini". This file must be in the same folder as the installation package and must contain the settings for the product installation.

  1. To create this file, open a text editor and enter the necessary parameters;

  2. Save the file with the name "Agent.ini" in the same folder as the installation package is located.




Language =en-us

InstallType= 4


The [InstallSettings] field indicates the section that contains the NDD print Agent settings.

NDD Print Agent silent installation parameters

*HostAddress - Configures the NDD Print Host server address

Configuration Options: Enter IP Address.

Requirement: Required.

Behavior if not configured: Cancels the installation.

Example: HostAddress=


This parameter will not be required if the NDD Print Agent is installed as Only Notification on the workstations, otherwise it is required.

Language - Configures the application language.

Configuration Options: PT-BR, EN-US, ES-ES or CA-ES.

Requirement: Optional.

Behavior if not configured: Installs in standard language PT-BR.

Example: Language=ES-ES

InstallFolder - Configures the Agent installation directory

Configuration Options: Enter the desired path.

Requirement: Optional.

Behavior if not configured: Install in the default path.

Example: InstallFolder=C:\test

CommunicationType - Configures the protocol that will be used in the communication between NDD Print Host, NDD Print Releaser and the NDD Print Agent.

Configuration Options: 1 – DCS; 2 – HTTP.

Requirement: Optional.

Behavior if not configured: It will use the communication via DCS.

Example: CommunicationType=2

NoAdmin - Does not install the administration interface of NDD Print Agent.

Configuration Options: 1 – Enabled; 0 – Disabled.

Requirement: Optional.

Behavior if not configured: Installs the administration interface of NDD Print Agent.

Example: NoAdmin=1

NoProfileViewer - Does not installs the NDD Print Agent's Profile Viewer.

Configuration Options: 1 – Enabled; 0 – Disabled.

Requirement: Optional.

Behavior if not configured: installs the NDD Print Agent's Profile Viewer.

Example: NoProfileViewer=1

PopUpExpiration - Configures the time in seconds that the pop-ups will take before expiring.

Configuration Options: Integers.

Requirement: Optional.

Behavior if not configured: Sets the default time of 60s.

Example: PopUpExpiration=30

DisableAccountInformation - Disables the search of user information when generating NPLs for sending to the server.

Configuration Options: 1 – Enabled; 0 – Disabled.

Requirement: Optional.

Behavior if not configured: The search of information will be performed.

Example: DisableAccountInformation=1

DisableInstallDrivers - Disables the installation of drivers by the NDD Print Agent when installing any queue that needs them.

Configuration Options: 1 – Enabled; 0 – Disabled.

Requirement: Optional.

Behavior if not configured: The drivers will be installed normally.

Example: DisableInstallDrivers=1

InstallType - Configures the installation type of the NDD Print Agent.

Configuration Options:

  1. Complete;

  2. USB Accounting and Monitoring;

  3. USB Monitoring;

  4. Only Notifications (Stations);

  5. Complete with push notifications for stations with "Only notification" installed at.

Requirement: Optional.

Behavior if not configured: Performs the Complete installation (1), with all print controls: accounting, quotas, policies, collect of counters and supply status from USB printers.

Example: InstallType=2

EnableLocalForceAutentication - Configures the user authentication when printing directly from the user station.

Configuration Options:1 – Enabled; 0 – Disabled.

Requirement: Optional.

Behavior if not configured: The authentication will be configured as the configured in the Portal 360.

Example: EnableLocalForceAutentication=1

**SecurePrintEnabled - Enables the NDD Print Agent's Secure Print.

Configuration Options: 1 – Enabled; 0 – Disabled.

Requirement: Optional.

Behavior if not configured: Secure Print will be disabled.

Example: SecurePrintEnabled=1


It is recommended to create the key "ReleaserServer" to configure the address of the NDD Print Releaser server.

**ReleaserServer - Configures the address of the NDD Print Releaser server, if using the feature Secure Print.

Configuration Options: 1 – Enabled; 0 – Disabled.

Requirement: Optional.

Behavior if not configured: It will not configure an address for the NDD Print Releaser server.

Example: ReleaserServer=


It is recommended to create this key along the key "SecurePrintEnabled" to enable the feature Secure Print.

ReleaserOffline - Enables the contingency if the NDD Print Releaser server is off-line.

Configuration Options: 1 – Enabled; 0 – Disabled.

Requirement: Optional.

Behavior if not configured: Contingency for local retention will not be configured.

Example: ReleaserOffline=1

AuthenticationExceptionList - Configures the users that will not follow the authentication rule configured in the Portal 360.

Configuration Options: E-mail address.

Requirement: Optional.

Behavior if not configured: The user list will not be configured.

Example: AuthenticationExceptionList=user1@domain;user2@domain

AllowChangeJobTitle - Enables the option to change the title of the printed document.

Configuration Options: 1 – Enabled; 0 – Disabled.

Requirement: Optional.

Behavior if not configured: The user will not be able to change the title of the document.

Example: AllowChangeJobTitle=1

LiveUpdateSchedule - Sets the time at which the Agent will be automatically updated.

Configuration Options: Hour.

Requirement: Optional.

Behavior if not configured: It will set the default time, mid-night.

Example: LiveUpdateSchedule=14

SendTimeout - Changes the time update to send data through DCS Client.

Configuration Options: Integers.

Requirement: Optional.

Behavior if not configured: It will use the DCS Client's standard time update.

Example: SendTimeout=15

ReceiveTimeout - Changes the time update to receive data through DCS Client.

Configuration Options: Integers.

Requirement: Optional.

Behavior if not configured: will use the DCS Client's standard time update.

Example: ReceiveTimeout=15

AllowPinAuthentication - Configures to show the PIN authentication interface. The authentication option must be enabled in the Portal 360.

Configuration Options: 1 – Enabled; 0 – Disabled.

Requirement: Optional.

Behavior if not configured: The authentication will be set as configured in the Portal 360.

Example: AllowPinAuthentication=1

DisableDuplexAdjust - This key is recommended to be enabled in environments where happens to account two pages instead of one duplex page.

Configuration Options: 1 – Enabled; 0 – Disabled.

Requirement: Optional.

Behavior if not configured: If it is accounting two simplex pages instead of one duplex, the billing will not be performed correctly.

Example: DisableDuplexAdjust=1

InstallationLog - Enables the creation of a installation log.

Requirement: Optional.

Behavior if not configured: It will not generate a log of the installation performed.





In this case, all computers/users must have reading and writing permissions in the selected directory.

isnBillingServer - Enables the sending of billing to a n-Server from n-Billing. By using it, accounting must be being used in the environment.

Configuration Options: 1 – Enabled; 0 – Disabled.

Requirement: Optional.

Behavior if not configured: It will work normally.

Example: isnBillingServer=1

EnablePasswordRemember - Enables the storage of login, password and domain if the user select the option "Remember me" in the authentication screen.

Configuration Options: 1 – Enabled; 0 – Disabled.

Requirement: Optional.

Behavior if not configured: Stores the login and domain.

Example: EnablePasswordRemember=1

GhostScriptParser - Enables the analysis of ".spl" files by the parser GhostScript, and not by the NDD Print Agent's default parser.

Configuration Options: 1 – Enabled; 0 – Disabled.

Requirement: Optional.

Behavior if not configured: The analysis of the files will be performed by the NDD Print Agent's default parser.

Example: GhostScriptParser=1

VerifyWSDPort - Enables the verification of printer's ports. If it is configured as WSD, displays a message to the user and cancels the printing. (only when Secure Release is enabled)

Configuration options: 1 – Enabled; 0 – Disabled.

Requirement: Optional.

Behavior when not configured: Does not validate the Ports and Secure Release may not work properly.

Example: VerifyWSDPort=1


Topics with “*” are required and must be observed.

Topics with “*” might become required, regarding to the fields inserted in the file.

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