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Silent Install

The installation can be performed through a Group Policy Object (GPO) silently (without user interaction), using the installation packages and a configuration file as shown in the steps below.

Copy files:

In this step the files should be copied to a shared directory.

Files must be copied to a network shared directory, with read-only permission for all computers, from where the package will be distributed.

  1. Copy the installers from the NDD Print Agent on the x86 and x64 version to the directory;

  2. Copy the file "Agent. Ini": This file has the settings to be used in the silent installation, to check the steps necessary to create this file navigate to the Configure Agent.ini topic.


The Agent. ini file will be valid for both the x86 and x64 installers.

Deploy the package:

The policy (GPO) must be created and configured in this step.

  1. Open the Group Policy manager. (Group Policy Management)

  2. Select the OU or group you want to apply the package to, click the Action menu, select the option Create a GPO in this domain, and Link it here...;

  3. Enter the name of the new policy;

  4. Select the registered policy, and right-click the Edit option;

  5. In the Policy Editor navigate to: Computer Configuration > Policies > Software Settings > Software Installation;

  6. Right-click and select: New > Package;

  7. Select Advanced and click OK;

  8. Enter the package name. Example nddprint Agent X86;

  9. For 32-bit packages only: Select Deployment > Advanced, uncheck "Make This 32-bit x86 application available to Win64 machines" and click OK. This prevents 32bit packages from running on 64-bit computers;

  10. Click OK.


By using Group Policy hundreds or even thousands of computers can be affected in an organization, it is therefore critical that all configurations be validated in a non-production environment before applying them to your production environment.

Perform update:

This step will be performed to update the package.

  1. To perform the upgrade, follow the steps (5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10) of the deploy package  deploy package step, and add a new package. Group Policy Manager will recognize this new package as an upgrade from the previously added version.

  2. Select the Upgrade tab. If the policy editor displays the item "Packages that this package will upgrade" on the list this indicates that the policy editor detected automatically the upgrade (this happens when the first or second version digit from the last version is different than the upgrade package) then go to step 5, otherwise go to step 3;

  3. Click Add... and select the package that will be upgraded, remember to select the option "Uninstall the package, then install the upgrade package" to perform the previous package removal before performing the update;

  4. Click OK, the update will be displayed on the update list;

  5. Click OK.

Silent Removal:

In this step the package will be removed.

  1. Select the package configured in the Deploy package step;

  2. Right-click and select: All Tasks > Remove...

  3. Select whether to remove software from all computers or allow computers to continue using software and prevent new installations.

  4. Click OK.

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