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The prerequisites will depend on the type of installation selected, observe the available types and click to verify all the requisites.


Enables all print controls: Accounting, quotas, policies, collect of counters and USB printer's supply status.


Minimum configuration

Processor Dual-Core 2.0GHz;

Memory: 2GB;

Disk Space: Greater than 70MB for the installation of the NDD Print Agent e required components;

Disk Space: Greater than 70MB for the installation of the NDD Print Agent e required components;

Free Space for Print Spool Data Processing (may vary depending on the print volume).

Minimum configuration - For Print Server with stations on "only notifications" mode

Processor Quad-Core 3.5GHz;

Memory: 8GB;

Disk Space: Greater than 70MB for the installation of the NDD Print Agent and required components;

Free Space for Print Spool Data Processing (may vary depending on the print volume).

It is important to observe that:

  1. The Memory consumption and processing may vary depending on the number of users printing and the print volume generated.

  2. Minimum configuration supports an environment with approximately 5.000 workstations.

  3. We recommend using a dedicated server for the printings, otherwise may occur slowness and processing issues.


Required softwares

Microsoft Update KB5004289, to validate drivers signed with SHA-2:

  • Required for Windows 7 64 bits and Windows 2008 R2;

  • Service Pack 1 is required to have to install this update;

You will need to restart the system to apply the update.

Windows Installer 3.0 or higher.


Required settings

HTTP communication allowed:

  • CP Port 56562 for communication with NDD Print Host;

  • TCP Port 56563 for communication with NDD Print Releaser;

  • TCP Port 56564 for communication with between Agents.

HTTPS communication allowed:

  • TCP Port 56569 for communication with NDD Print Host;

  • TCP Port 56570 for communication with NDD Print Releaser;

  • TCP Port 56571 for communication with between Agents.

SNMP communication allowed to communicate with print devices (Port 161 and 162) and default communication (Public);

The generation of the print event 10 is mandatory, configured by the software itself;

On Windows Seven or superior, the required print event is the 307, also configured by the software;

Full permission to Everyone on the path Windows/Temp;

Network access to the station or server where NDD Print Host, NDD Print Releaser and NDD Print Agent are installed at;

On NAT environments, you must release the TCP ports from 49152 to 65535 in order to be able to use pop-up authentication;

The spool files directory must be the same for all printers;

Windows File Pooling must be disabled.

Search for information on HP printers via USB port:

You must enable the "Enable access commands to the PJL device" available in the Security section > General Security.

Approved Operating Systems


Windows Server

*Windows 7 (all versions)

*Windows Server 2008 R2 64 Bits (x64) (all versions)

*Windows 7 Embedded

Windows Server 2012 (all versions)

Windows 8 (all versions)

Windows Server 2016 (all versions)

Windows 8.1 (all versions)

Windows Server 2019 (all versions)

**Windows 10 (all versions)

Windows Server 2022 (all versions)

Windows 11 (all versions)


* Service Pack 1 are required;

** Except Windows IoT and Mobile versions.

USB Monitoring and Accounting:

Enables the job accounting, collect of counters and supply status from USB printers. In this case, all print policies are disabled.


Minimum configuration

Processor: Dual-Core 2.0GHz;

Memory: 2GB;

Disk Space: Greater than 70MB for the installation of the NDD Print Agent and required components;

Free Space for Print Spool Data Processing (may vary depending on the print volume).


Required softwares

Windows Installer 3.0 or higher.


Required settings

HTTP communication allowed:

  • TCP Port 56562 for communication with NDD Print Host;

HTTPS communication allowed:

  • TCP Port 56569 for communication with NDD Print Host;

The generation of the print event 10 is mandatory, configured by the software itself;

On Windows Seven or superior, the required print event is the 307, also configured by the software;

Full permission to Everyone on the path Windows/Temp;

Network access to the station or server where NDD Print Host is installed at, if being used;

The spool files directory must be the same for all printers;

Windows File Pooling must be disabled.

Search for information on HP printers via USB port:

You must enable the "Enable access commands to the PJL device" available in the Security section > General Security.

Approved operating systems


Windows Server

Windows 7 (all versions)

*Windows Server 2008 R2 64 Bits (x64) (all versions)

Windows 7 Embedded

Windows Server 2012 (all versions)

Windows 8 (all versions)

Windows Server 2016 (all versions)

Windows 8.1 (all versions)

Windows Server 2019 (all versions)

**Windows 10 (all versions)

Windows Server 2022 (all versions)

Windows 11 (all versions)


** Except Windows IoT and Mobile versions.

USB Monitoring:

Enables the collect of counters and supply status from USB printers. Print policies and accounting are disabled.


Minimum configuration

Processor: Dual-Core 2.0GHz;

Memory: 2GB;

Disk Space: Greater than 70MB for the installation of the NDD Print Agent and required components;

Free Space for Print Spool Data Processing (may vary depending on the print volume).


Required softwares

Windows Installer 3.0 or higher.


Required settings

HTTP communication allowed:

  • TCP Port 56562 for communication with NDD Print Host;

HTTPS communication allowed:

  • TCP Port 56569 for communication with NDD Print Host;

Full permission to Everyone on the path Windows/Temp;

Network access to the station or server where NDD Print Host is installed at, if being used.

Search for information on HP printers via USB port:

You must enable the "Enable access commands to the PJL device" available in the Security section > General Security.

Approved operating systems


Windows Server

Windows 7 (all versions)

*Windows Server 2008 R2 64 Bits (x64) (all versions)

Windows 7 Embedded

Windows Server 2012 (all versions)

Windows 8 (all versions)

Windows Server 2016 (all versions)

Windows 8.1 (all versions)

Windows Server 2019 (all versions)

**Windows 10 (all versions)

Windows Server 2022 (all versions)

Windows 11 (all versions)


** Except Windows IoT and Mobile versions.

Only Notifications (Stations):

It enables the sending notifications from server to stations (pop-up). In this mode, job accounting and analysis is performed only on the print server, there is no monitoring of the local print queues nor the supplies from the USB printers. Another important aspect is that the Profile Viewer (icon on the taskbar) is not installed.


Minimum configuration

Processor: Dual-Core 2.0GHz;

Memory: 2GB;

Disk Space: Greater than 70MB for the installation of the NDD Print Agent and required components.


Required softwares

Windows Installer 3.0 or higher.


Required settings

HTTP communication allowed:

  • TCP Port 56564 for communication between Agents.

HTTPS communication allowed:

  • TCP Port 56571 for communication with between Agents.

Network access to the station or server where NDD Print Agent is installed at, if being used;

Print queues must be mapped with the user logged in the workstation.

Search for information on HP printers via USB port:

You must enable the "Enable access commands to the PJL device" available in the Security section > General Security.

Approved operating systems


Windows Server

Windows 7 (all versions)

*Windows Server 2008 R2 64 Bits (x64) (all versions)

Windows 7 Embedded

Windows Server 2012 (all versions)

Windows 8 (all versions)

Windows Server 2016 (all versions)

Windows 8.1 (all versions)

Windows Server 2019 (all versions)

**Windows 10 (all versions)

Windows Server 2022 (all versions)

Windows 11 (all versions)


** Except Windows IoT and Mobile versions.


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