Create/Edit scan flow
User prerequisites:
Master Administrator Permission or
Process prerequisites:
To enable the Digital Shift feature menu request it to NDD
To create a scan flow > view Digital Shift > menu Flows > action Create
To edit the scan flow registration data > view Digital Shift > menu Flows > on the list select the scan flow > tab Register > Edit
Enter the necessary data, considering:
Group: The scan flow may or may not belong to a group;
¹ If the name is fixed (does not use variables) and there is no separation by folders, the file at the destination may be overwritten. You can use the variables: {DATE}, {TIME} or {DATETIME} to avoid overwriting.
Enable integration: It allows creating tags to integrate with another system. Add the tag and it will be inserted into the XML when the user uses this flow.
Deliver files to:
Deliver to a folder: in this case, the XML file and the scan are delivered to a shared folder;
Deliver to FTP: in this case, the XML file and the scan are delivered to the configured FTP directory.
API: this method eases the application's communication with other platforms, such as GED, BPM, ECM systems or any others that are fed by digital documents input, delivering them through “HTTP” calls. It is possible to capture the scan and the file (XML).
NDD provides help documentation for this integration, informing all possible calls and the result of each one. To access this documentation, select the API option and access the provided link.
•¹Default folder: In this case, the final file is delivered to a shared folder;
•¹User folder: In this case, the file is delivered to the user's folder configured in an AD property. The property must be defined with the Scan Directory field configured on the nddPrint Host;
•Email: In this case, the file is delivered to the user's email registered on the 360 portal;
¹FTP: in this case, the file is delivered to the configured FTP directory ;
¹SharePoint Online (365): in this case the file is delivered to the configured SharePoint.
Site address: use the site address as configured in SharePoint;
sites/exemplo_site ou teams/exemplo_site/exemplo_subsite.
If you want to deliver to the root address, the site address field must be blank.
If you want to deliver to a subsite of the root address, the site address field must be filled in with the subsite address only.
Document library: select the library where the document will be sent;
¹Delivery folder structure: select the folder where the document will be sent, or inform the delivery folder structure.
¹ In these destinations, variables can be created to structure the organization of your files.
Scan properties
Em equipamentos incompatíveis, o usuário poderá selecionar a propriedade diretamente no painel do equipamento, porém, o bloqueio de propriedades não poderá ser aplicado neste caso.
Members: It allows defining which users or user groups will be submitted to the flow.
Apply to all: In this case, all users and their groups will be submitted to the flow;
Define members: It allows defining which users or user groups will be submitted to the flow, clicking "+ Add".
A maximum of 15 members of each type can be added when creating the scan flow. More members can be added during the edition.