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NDD Print Host

The Digital Shift feature allows the creation of your Scan flows, establishing processes or simply facilitating file entry

To configure the Digital Shift > tab Tools > group Scan Flow > action Configure Digital Shift

Please inform the required data, considering that:

1. Configure Shared Folder Delivery (FTP)

  • Temporary storage path: enter the shared folder path;



  • Use access user: check this option if the folder is protected by a password;

    • Domain/User: enter the user or administrator who has permission to access the folder;

    • Password: enter the password of the user or administrator who has permission to access the folder.


This directory temporarily stores the scanned files and the NDD Print Host module sends them to the folder informed in the Destination field during the Scan Flow creation/editing.

2. Configure email delivery over SMTP

To configure the email server > tab SMTP

  • Email server

    • Email server address (SMTP protocol): enter the email server address;

    • Port: enter the email server address port.

  • Authentication

    • User: enter the user credential to the email server;

    • Password: enter the password of the user who has access to the email server;

  • Use TLS/SSL Authentication: check this option to use the TLS/SSL security protocols.

  • Email

    • Source email: enter the sender's email address;

    • Always send a copy to: enter the email addresses you want to send a copy.


These addresses must be separated by a "comma".

3. Configure email delivery by Office 365

To configure the email server > tab Office 365

  • Application (client) ID: Inform the ID generated when registering the application in Azure;

  • Directory (tenant) ID: Inform the company ID in Azure;

  • Client Secret: Inform the key generated when registering the application in Azure;

  • Email

    • Source email: enter the sender's email address;

    • Always send a copy to: enter the email addresses you want to send a copy.


You can use the Test Send option to verify that the configuration works


For the proper operation of this functionality, the users must have their e-mail address and authentication credentials (PIN, Secure PIN or Physical ID) properly registered in the Portal 360, to have their e-mail address stored in the NDD Print Host's database.

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