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Manage failed filters

In this screen, filters previously configured are displayed under the option to filter organizational units that failed during synchronization, such as when the configured organizational unit was renamed, deleted, or moved locally on the domain controller.


This option is only available when there are failed filters to validate.

To manage failed filters > tab Users > group Domains > action Domain integration > Properties > menu Filters > Manage failed filters

Perform the configuration, considering:

Pending filters: Displays the OU filters that failed to integrate domains.

  • Refresh: It allows you to change the selected filter manually;

  • Delete: It removes the selected filters from the list of configured OUs;


When you select the "Delete" option the OU will only be removed from the list of OUs that have presented an error. When performing a new search in Filters it will be presented again, with the correct name, or will not be displayed, if it has been removed from the domain controller.

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