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Import EndPoints.config from n-Host

Process prerequisite

Open the Contracts Manager

EndPoint companies should be registered in the Contracts Manager

Printers from NDD Print Host should be registered in the NDD Print Host

This import is intended to copy the data from the module EndPoints.config from n-Host to the NDD Print Host's Contracts Manager, bringing all the assignments of contract printers to companies from one module to another, without needing to manually configure a large amount of equipment.


Before importing, it is important that all EndPoints companies are enrolled in Contracts Manager with the same EnterpriseName;

The registered companies should be directed to a NDD Print server;

The printers from n-Host should be correctly registered in the NDD Print Host.

To import devices from EndPoints > tab Servers > action Import data from n-Billing version > file EndPoints.config > Open


Restart all the NDD Print Host services so the changes can take effect.

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